Grow Your Show Through Podcast Collaborations [ep. 39]


Check out the full episode to hear about podcast collaborations:


Have you ever worked on a collaborative teacher team?

I know that when I was a teacher, some of my greatest memories are with the team that I worked with.

As you probably know, your coworkers can really impact your experience at school, for better or for worse. I always loved when I worked with people who thought of our entire grade as our students, not just my class and your class.

The “we” mindset is everything! It benefits you, it benefits your students, it benefits everybody involved. I think this idea of working together still applies even when you own your own business and even if you're working from home by yourself. In fact, if you're working from home, you might really miss those collaborations with your coworkers. I know that I do!

How can you create amazing podcast collaborations?

Since podcasting is still kind of a newer medium compared to a lot of the other ones out there, there's definitely an excitement around when you start your podcast.

You might be one of the few shows that serves your unique niche, especially in the education space. And it is exciting! So much so that when other people start shows who might be in a similar space as you, as podcasting continues to grow, your first reaction to that might be a little bit defensive or a little bit threatened, which is 100% natural.

I totally get it if you've ever felt that way about another podcast that's kind of similar to yours. But what if, instead of viewing other podcasts as a threat to yours, you viewed them as a way of extending the impact that you're already making?

The truth is, there are more than enough podcast listeners to go around. People listen to more than one podcast, even if they are on a similar topic!

Let’s look at a few ways that you can implement podcast collaborations.

Give a shout out on your show

This can be really informal. A shout out could be at the beginning of your episodes, just like you would recommend a product on Amazon.

You can just say something like, Hey, I wanted to let you know that if you really love this podcast, I have another show that you're really going to enjoy…

Then you can give a super quick description of the podcast, who it's hosted by, and where they can find it.

Each of you - you and another podcast or multiple podcasters - you can team up and give each other shout outs. It could be something that you do once a month or even just one time!

Guest on each other’s podcasts

Another great way to collaborate with another podcaster is to guest on each other's podcasts.

The great thing about guesting on another podcast when you are also a podcaster is that you're both getting in front of a new audience of people who are already podcast listeners! So it's a really, really great natural fit.

I do have a free private podcast series on this subject of how to be a find right-fit shows to guest on, how to pitch yourself, and land great interviews! You can listen to that podcast here.

Plug your podcast in other ways

Another way to put podcast collaborations into action is that you can plug each other’s podcasts in other places like Instagram stories, or your newsletters.

You can even make it really easy for each other by doing a quick write up of a specific episode that you want to highlight.

Then you just exchange that copy and you pop it in your newsletter. Now you're both getting in front of some new people in a really quick and easy way!

Podcast collaborations will get you far

What I want to really hit home here is that when you view other podcasts as opportunities to collaborate, it's going to get you in front of new audiences. It will also bring a new perspective to your current listeners.

Even if you're speaking about the same thing, or similar topics, everybody delivers content differently. Like I've said before, there is more than enough people to go around.

I hope these ideas help you to begin thinking about how you could work together with other podcasters to extend your reach this year!

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Podcasting for Educators is the podcast for TpT authors and other online educators. It's a show that will help you get your podcast in front of those who need it most - teachers, counselors, literacy specialists, SLPs, parents, and more! Each week, Sara Whittaker and her guests will share top tips and actionable strategies that you will need in order to launch, manage, and grow your podcast. You’ll learn how to leverage your show to build long-lasting relationships with your audience and promote your TpT resources, courses, and memberships, all while providing valuable and accessible content!

Sara Whittaker