Using Your Teaching Experience to Plan Your Podcast Episodes [ep. 34]


Check out the full episode to hear how to plan your podcast episodes:


Here’s what to expect from this episode:

Are you an educator who has been thinking about making a career change? Maybe you’re not sure what you would even do. Maybe you worry that you don’t have any skills that would transfer to another profession. Teaching has always been hard, but these past few years have been especially challenging.

Many teachers are leaving the profession and many more are dreaming of leaving but are held back by fear. When I left teaching I honestly believed that I didn’t have the skills to do anything else. Now I know that is the furthest thing from the truth. We learn so much as teachers, and those skills of planning, organizing, problem-solving, and project management are highly valuable and sought after in other career paths.

It probably comes as no surprise that I think educators make the best podcasters. As a former elementary school teacher who works with educational podcasters, I talk to a lot of people who want to start a podcast but they don’t do it because they’re hung up on the content planning.

My recommendation? Use the skills you already have as a teacher when it comes to planning content for your audience. In today’s episode, I’ll show you how planning your podcast content is just like lesson planning. I’ll give you a simple structure you can follow.

By the end of this episode, you’ll see how easy it can really be to plan your episode content.

If you’ve been wanting to start your own show for a while, I have just the thing for you. The doors are opening on May 16th to my new online course, Podcasting for Educators Prep School. It will only be open to people on the waitlist, so be sure to sign up.

This is a comprehensive, self-paced course that will give you everything you need to plan for your podcast, get it off the ground, and launch it into the world.

Episode Highlights:

  • How each step of the episode planning and implementation process is exactly like lesson planning

  • Importance of having a clear audience and keeping them in mind as you plan your podcast content

  • Keys to deciding which content to share first and why the order you present the content in isn’t always important

  • A simple structure for educational-type content you can follow for each episode

  • Why you need to think of your podcast episodes as mini-lessons and tips for how long your episodes should be

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More about Podcasting for Educators:

Podcasting for Educators is the podcast for TpT authors and other online educators. It's a show that will help you get your podcast in front of those who need it most - teachers, counselors, literacy specialists, SLPs, parents, and more! Each week, Sara Whittaker and her guests will share top tips and actionable strategies that you will need in order to launch, manage, and grow your podcast. You’ll learn how to leverage your show to build long-lasting relationships with your audience and promote your TpT resources, courses, and memberships, all while providing valuable and accessible content!

Sara Whittaker