Podcast Planning Six Months Out: My 6-Step Process [ep. 48]
Check out the full episode on planning six months out:
Here’s what to expect from this episode:
In episode 47, I gave you some places to go to really easily and quickly gather up a ton of topics for your episodes that you know for a fact will resonate with your audience.
At the end of that episode, your action item was to go and implement a couple of those things and do a big brain dump of episode topics. So you definitely need to do that first because that is going to come into play for this episode!
Today we are taking those episode ideas and plugging them into a content calendar so that you are planned six months out (or more)!
Step 1: Braindump your episode topics after doing research.
Step 2: Get out a calendar! This can be a digital calendar or paper and pencil. If you are in the Podcasting for Educators Prep-School, there is a digital content calendar in there for you!
Step 3: Mark down the date that is six months from the day you are doing this planning.
Step 4: Fill in any special dates that you already know of. This could be:
A launch
A virtual summit
New product release
TPT sales
Time off that you’ll be taking
Step 5: Plug in your data-driven topics that you brain dumped ahead of time.
Step 6: Leave white space for future guest episodes.
A word to the wise - do not make this process any harder than it needs to be! Give yourself this gift of sitting down for one hour and doing this long-term planning. I think you'll be really surprised at how much you accomplish and it's going to feel so good when you're done.
“The further ahead that you are in your planning, and in your recording, the better. I guarantee that it will help you promote your episodes in a much more thorough way than if you’re just scrambling week to week.”
Topics covered in this episode on planning six months out:
Six simple steps to planning 6 months worth of podcast content
A reminder that you need to be 10 steps ahead of where your listener is in their own content planning
Why you need to leave white space on your content calendar
A suggestion for using your podcast as a list builder
Resources mentioned:
Connect with Sara:
Related episodes:
Episode 22, Proactive Podcast Planning: Summer Content Edition
Episode 34, Using Your Teaching Experience to Plan Your Podcast Episodes
Episode 12, Creating a Streamlined Podcast Workflow That Works for YOU
More about Podcasting for Educators:
Podcasting for Educators is the podcast for TpT authors and other online educators. It's a show that will help you get your podcast in front of those who need it most - teachers, counselors, literacy specialists, SLPs, parents, and more! Each week, Sara Whittaker and her guests will share top tips and actionable strategies that you will need in order to launch, manage, and grow your podcast. You’ll learn how to leverage your show to build long-lasting relationships with your audience and promote your TpT resources, courses, and memberships, all while providing valuable and accessible content!